Meshfree Methods

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Wikipedia Entry for Meshfree Methods

Wikipedia is the free, on-line encyclopedia.

The philosophy behind Wikipedia is an interesting one. Anyone with access to the internet and a web browser can edit an entry. Over time, entries will develop as more and more people find them on the web and make changes. While it is entirely possible that incorrect information can be posted, the notion is that, with time, it will subsequently be removed.

Along these lines it may make sense for the community to (collectively) edit the Wikipedia entry for Meshfree Methods.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Welcome to the Meshfree Methods Blog

This blog was established in August of 2006, by the USACM Specialty Committee on Meshfree Methods. The goal is to provide a central resource for researchers working with meshfree and related methods.

Suggestions as to links, content, or anything else from the community are welcome in the comments section to this post (or any other).

If you would like to post on this blog and are a member of the USACM or IACM, please send an email to John Dolbow at to be added to the member list.